Biological Sciences
Student Learning Outcomes
- Articulate the principles of evolutionary theory, the history of its development, and the role that evolution plays in the continuity and diversity of life.
- Communicate the unifying principles governing the organization of organisms, from molecules to populations.
- Explain and apply fundamental ecological principles, from populations to communities through ecosystems, and the geographical distribution of life on Earth.
- Summarize and illustrate an understanding of the development of the organism, from fertilization to the adult form.
- Compare and contrast organismal diversity and life histories, including nomenclature, taxonomy and systematics.
- Characterize fundamental metabolic pathways, describe bioenergetics, and relate the interdependence of these pathways.
- Demonstrate understanding of the structure and function of tissues, organs and organ systems, describing interrelationships and mechanisms of their integration to support the whole, functioning organism and the underlying causes of dysfunction.
- Describe and connect the role of DNA in regulating cell activity to its importance as the basis of inheritance, evolution and biotechnology.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the basic methods, instrumentation and quantitative analytical skills used to conduct biological research, including fundamental methods of microscopy, animal and plant dissection, and molecular and cellular biology.
- Produce original research reports and review papers in a standard scientific format
based on laboratory, field experiments and literature searches that include critical
quantitative and qualitative evaluation of data to effectively communicate results,
interpretations and concepts.